Aim: Re-build collapsed shower to be functional and efficient
Equipment provided/found/available:
- 'The Dragon'- fire heated cob outdoor water heater
- Green mesh
- Eucy poles, cut/found- long and straight
- Bonfire
- Lime, buckets, wheel barrow etc
- Leveled ground
- Worked out direction of spiral and laid it out with hose pipe
- Lit the bonfire to clear land (clear felled pine covering hill), used some half rotten poles and newly cut poles (from areas needing to be cleared) and burnt 1 to 2 metres along the bottom to avoid rotting
- Rock base foundation. Collected rocks from nearby
- Dug holes around edge 30cm apart using spike. Fit in poles, sometimes using wedges so they remained sturdy and vertical
- Mixed lime with sand and clay (1:5:2) in wheelbarrow
- Covered rock flooring with lime mix, smoothed then sponged off
- Attached plumbing from The Dragon
- Attached green mesh as screen
- Attached bark/cork as shelf, made bench/hooks for clothes
- Dug swale below to catch water run off
Permaculture Aspects:
- Waste water irrigates tomatoes/herbs planted in gutter around shower
- Swale retains grey water run off
- Next summer's plan is to attach black pipe as roofing to solar heat the water and asd shade.
floor is complete, now inserting poles |
Digging the swale below |
The Dragon water heater, with the shower and swale.
House in the background
Finished shower with plumbing attached |
It something looks like an classic design. I have great experience of these type of design. Love that you have a outdoor shower.